Tag: Kanye West

Road rage shooting killed NC man wife brutally

As she walked past the makeshift memorial on her way to work, Justina Hemphill didn't think it...

Kanye West Desperately COMPETING with Pete Davidson and Miley Cyrus Special Event, Held New Year Party in Miami

Kanye West announced that he is throwing a New Year’s Eve party in Miami, and this has...

Rumours Of Republican Hand In Kanye’s Campaign Gets Strong As He Meets Trump’s Son-In-Law Jared Kushner !..

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner confirmed Thursday that he had a “friendly discussion” with Kanye West...

Use Only chicken for this Eid in rebel-besieged Yemen town, Its Not Allowed on Chicken

Amidst the dust and rubble of his modest home in Taez, father to six Fadel al-Sbei prepares...

Real reason why Kim Kadarshian was crying in Wyoming while talking to Kanye west.

Kim Kardashian was seen teary-eyed when she met Kanye in Wyoming after his twitter outbursts for reasons...

Kanye West Posted A Picture Of Steve Harvey On Twitter Which Is Leading To Many Speculations And Controversies Now

Many are surprised due to the actions of Kanye west where Kanye is continuously in news by...

Kanye West Gets Dumped By His Best Friends Beyonce And Jay-Z Again Which Turns Out Bad Right Now

Hi and a hearty welcome to our page!!! So, today's article is about friendship and the nature...

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are taking divorce after 6 years of their marriage!!! Is it true or false???

There are so many rumors updating about the divorce of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. Both of...

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