Tag: Donald trump

The Famous Former Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo Lost Their 90 Pounds In Almost 6 Months.

Mike Pompeo has been hitting the gym and cutting out all of that pesky junk food since...

Vote in numbers “that no corrupt politician could survive.” says Jim Carrey for Trump. Read the story here.

In the Atlantic, Jim Carrey has written a befitting essay on U.S. President Trump's rule and the...

Donald Trump Launched New Social Media! After Getting Banded! Said It will be So BIGGER!

The Trump Network - How They Are Launching Their New Communication Tool Recently the Trump campaign has launched...

“Black Lives Matter” activists celebrate as Trump supporter is killed. Horrifying scenes at Portland Protests.

After the Death of George Floyd in an incident of Police Brutality spurred rage in the United...

Nancy Pelosi – Current speaker – has been receiving criticism lately because recently she was spotted outside a salon. Click here and get all...

Nancy Pelosi - criticized by many! Nancy Pelosi who is the dean and house speaker has been lately...

As the elections approach, Donald Trump granted pardon to Alice Johnson who was convicted for possession of drugs.

Trump hasn't been making any statements regarding the matters going around America relating to black lives. But...

Michelle Obama speaks up against Donald Trump and asks the people to speak up and make a change!

Recently the shots that were fired at Jacob Balke by the police had shocked the world and...

Look what Kamala Harris has to say about her nomination and Donald Trump. Click here and get all the information.

Kamal Harris has happily accepted her nomination. Recently Kamala Harris is grabbing a lot of attention because of...

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