The Last of Us 3 is planned. Know what makers are planning? What are the speculations made by the fans?


There were many loose ends and unanswered questions at the end of The Last of Us 2. As there was no plan provided by the makers for Ellie or where she will head to next. There were many questions Ellie, Dina, and Abby. We saw that in The Last of Us, Ellie returns to Dina’s farmhouse just to make sure that Dina and their baby J.J. left. Later she heads to an unknown destination with some wilderness.

According to some speculation we can expect Ellie to look for Dina and J.J. in The Last of Us 3. While there was some possibility that Ellie will move on to follow some new place in life. Although these specifications are officially announced by the expectations of the fans.

Will there be The Last of Us 3?

Not much time has passed since creative director Neil Durckmann of Naughty Dog revealed that the company is planning the sequel of The Last of Us. He also said that there will be two lead characters in the sequel. The company is planning to wrap things up in The Last of Us 3. Also, this will be the first project taken by Naughty Dog next.

There was an announcement made by Sony’s PlayStation revealing that the company will expand beyond video games in the coming year.

Will Ellie deal with her Repercussion of Immunity?

In The Last Us, we saw that Ellie is the reason that made the world come to end as she was immune to Cordyceps Brain Infection. It makes sense that Ellie could be a possible cure. In the third sequel, we might see the story going towards the cure. We might get to see Abby and Fireflies be the ones who spread information.

Another speculation could be that Ellie goes on a mission to find more immune people to make a community to solve the problem.