Jared Fogle, the former spokesman for Subway who was convicted after pleading guilty to possessing child porn and soliciting sex with minors has spoken out from prison. He penned an open letter that detailed his life behind bars while quoting lines from 1994’s The Shawshank Redemption – sitlll he managed not only show compassion towards others but also stay strong in face of adversity through education or work!
The pedophile had over 400 child pornography videos in his possession and pleaded guilty to charges last year. He was ordered by the judge to pay $1.4 million dollars as restitution for 14 victims, according reports from The New York Post.
I wonder what it felt like? To know that I could have stopped him if only someone would’ve told me–or should’ve tried harder; And then again maybe there were mitigating circumstances at play here: lack of education on how not get groomed into abuse myself early enough…
Jared Fogle where is he now?
Fogle is currently serving his 16 year sentence at the Federal Correctional Institution (F.C.I.) in Englewood, Colorado where he has been since 2011 following an extensive investigation that led to a guilty verdict on charges of traveling interstate for prostitution and distribution of child pornography.
In his letter, he reflected on where he currently stands: “I was selfish and entitled. Selfish to the point that it nearly got me in serious trouble with both of these women.” He added how inspired by a line from The Shawshank Redemption movie’s title card when reflecting on life choices–“You can either get busy living or dying”. I’ve done everything I can to make the most of this unwanted experience. Fogle, who has a son and daughter with his second wife Kathleen McLaughlin wrote that he thinks about all those people everyday – especially family members they let down because their dad got caught doing something wrong.”
John David Fobile was born in coughing 1985 to a family of four. He became famous when he lost hundreds pounds by exercising and eating only 2,000 calories per day from 10K – but it wasn’t easy! His lunch consisted mostly Subway Six Inch Turkey Subs with some potato chips for good measure; dinner often meant one foot long veggie sub along side his favorite drink: Diet Coke…
Fogle said that behind bars he tries to avoid junk food, but does snack on granola bars and protein packed snacks. He also reported feeling good physically and mentally since his fitness regimen has increased in effort level over time thanks for running four or five miles every day which makes him most healthy ever! Fogle was once the fattest man in America and now he’s lost over 200 pounds. He claims that Subway has helped him get healthier, happier with his appearance; even if it’s not enough to come back here for another go at weight loss!
The convicted felon is a free man, though he still has regrets. “I can’t go back and make changes,” he writes in his letter to the judge who sentenced him. But while living behind bars gives this inmate an understanding of what life outside looks like that many people never experience first-hand; when given another chance at freedom – on probation with felony convictions for armed burglary and assault — it’s upending all those pleasant memories from before incarceration which have made every day seem so sluggish: waking early just so you don’t miss your morning workout routine (now gone), catching up throughout lunchtime conversations over table manners or politics…
Fogle, who is 55 years old and has to serve at least 85% of his sentence before he can be released from custody, wrote in his prison letter that while running an extensive pedophile ring with the help of other inmates “I’m so lucky to have them.”
Focusing on one passage out many million: In order for Fogle’s earliest possible release date March 24th 2029 when he’ll still require sex offender registration “regardless if any charges were ever filed against him or not,” we need your support now more than ever.