Seven Deadly Sins Ten Commandments In The Top, Everything

The Seven Deadly Sins Ten Commandments is an anime television series based on a Japanese fantasy manga of the same name. The series debuted on October 5, 2014, on TBS, MBS, and other JNN stations. The anime fans must be knowing that Seven Deadly Sins’ ten commandments are the antagonists of the show who are th

Seven Deadly Sins ten commandments
Source: CBR

e strongest members of the demon clan. Below is the list of all the ten commandments arranged according to their strengths.



Seven Deadly Sins ten commandments
Source: YouTube

Of all the Seven Deadly Sins ten commandments, Mael is the strongest one. He is also one of the four archangels. He is the charming commandment of love so anyone possessing hatred won’t be able to cause him to harm in a fight. Mael’s combat class starts at 60,000, being slightly weaker than Zeldris; 3,000 in magic, 53,000 in strength, and 4,000 in spirit. Mael’s main abilities are Hellblazer and Full Counter. Mael’s Full Counter can only return physical attacks.

2. ZELDRIS-61,000

Zeldris is the commandment of Piety. This means that anyone who shows his back to Zeldris will either become a slave or the Demon King, such is the power of this commandment. He is the younger brother of Meliodas. Zeldris has a combat class of 61,000, 10,000 in magic, 47,200 in strength, and 3,800 in spirit. Zeldris has access to Hellblazer and two other main abilities. The Demon King has lent him God, a portion of power that makes him able to nullify magic attacks, and another one Ominous Nebula which creates a vortex slicing anything in its path.

3. DROLE- 54,000

Seven Deadly Sins ten commandments
Source: Epic Dope

Drole is the commandment of patience. He was killed in the fight with Chandler alongside Gloxinia and his commandment rule wasn’t mentioned before his death. Drole’s combat class is 54,000. 14,000 in magic, 36,500 in strength, and 3,500 in spirit. His main strength is ground just like Diane’s ability to work the ground. He can manipulate the earth and use Creation to create power dwarfs. One of Drole’s specialties is “Drole’s Dance” which raises his power. It is often used by Diane.

4. MONSPEET- 53,000

Monspeet, a gentleman demon, is the commandment of Reticence. Whoever opposed reticence by expressing inner feelings or emotions would have their voices blocked. Monspeet has a combat class of 53,000. 34,000 in magic, 16,000 in strength, and 3,000 in spirit. He has two major abilities. One is Hellblazer that allows him to create black flames. In the series, he is one of the greatest users among others. The other one is Trick Star suing which he can switch two objects at will.

5. DERIERI-52,000

Partially covered in her own darkness, Derieri is the commandment of purity. Her commandment rules weren’t revealed before her death. Derieri has a combat class of 52,000. 1,500 in magic, 48,000 in strength, and 2,500 in spirit. Combo Star is her specialty. 200,000 pounds of force is added if she attacks consecutively and it will reset if interrupted.

6. GLOXINIA-50,000

Seven Deadly Sins ten commandments
Source: CBR

Gloxinia was the first King of the Fairy Forest before becoming the commandment of Repose. Like Darien, his commandment of Repose was also not revealed until his death. Gloxinia has a combat class of 50,000. 47,000 in magic, zero in strength, and 3,000 in spirit. He wields the Spirit Spear Basquiat and can change form like the King’s Spirit Spear. His main power is Disaster, which he shares with the king. gloxinia can also manipulate nature. He often keeps himself wrapped in the form of tentacles.

7. GALAND-40,000

He is the weakest of the Seven Deadly Sins ten commandments. Probably because he is the commandment of truth. This is a very delicate commandment as anyone aware that they are telling a lie is turned to stone. He has a combat class of 27,000, 1,000 in magic, 24,000 in strength, and 2,000 in spirit.

8. GRAYROAD-39,000

Gray road is the Seven Deadly Sins Ten Commandments of Pacifism who has locked away after losing the Ancient war. If anyone kills in the presence of Grayroad, their life is sped up until they die. Gray road has a combat class of 39,000, 26,500 in magic, 10,000 in strength, and 2,500 in spirit. Most of her power comes from magic. Her major power is the ability to curse. She uses this ability very smartly to fight by causing diseases to whomever she curses. This will prevent her from violating her own commandment.

9. MELASCULA-34,000

Melascula is a giant hooded snake that can also appear as a human after being exposed to Miasma. She is the commandment of faith which means that if anyone doesn’t show faithfulness in her presence then their eyes are set on fire. Melascula has a combat class of 34,000, 31,500 in magic, 500 in strength, and 2,000 in spirit. Her main ability is Hell Gate. When used, Melascula can form portals that she can use freely.

10. FRAUDRIN-31,000

Seven Deadly Sins ten commandments
Source: YouTube

Last but not least is the Seven Deadly Sins Ten Commandments, Fraudrin, the commandment of Selflessness. Occupying the body of the Holy Knight Dreyfus, he is the replacement for Gowther. Fraudrin’s commandment causes selfish people to lose their sense of self, including their memories and feelings. Fraudrin’s combat class is 31,000. 13,000 in magic, 15,000 in strength, and 3,000 in spirit. His main power is the ability to be Full Size which makes him increase in strength and range.

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What Seven Deadly Sins Ten Commandments was Meliodas?

the Commandment of Love
Commandment. As the former leader of the Ten Commandments, Meliodas was the original wielder of the Commandment of Love, which was bestowed upon him by the Demon King. Those who would stand before him with hatred in their hearts will be rendered powerless to harm or inflict damage on anyone else.

Who is the strongest of the Seven Deadly Sins Ten Commandments?

Mael is the strongest of the 10 commandments, as well as priorly one of the Four Archangels.

What is the difference between the Seven Deadly Sins Ten Commandments in Exodus and Deuteronomy?

The two versions are different. For example, Exodus states: Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy. … Exodus opens in chapter 20: “God spoke all these words, saying.” Deuteronomy 5 similarly states, “Face to face the LORD spoke to you on the mountain out of the fire.”
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The Seven Deadly Sins Ten Commandments is an anime television series based on a Japanese fantasy manga of the same name. The series debuted on October 5, 2014, on TBS, MBS, and other JNN stations. The anime fans must be knowing that Seven Deadly Sins’ ten commandments are the antagonists of the show who are th

Seven Deadly Sins ten commandments
Source: CBR

e strongest members of the demon clan. Below is the list of all the ten commandments arranged according to their strengths.



Seven Deadly Sins ten commandments
Source: YouTube

Of all the Seven Deadly Sins ten commandments, Mael is the strongest one. He is also one of the four archangels. He is the charming commandment of love so anyone possessing hatred won’t be able to cause him to harm in a fight. Mael’s combat class starts at 60,000, being slightly weaker than Zeldris; 3,000 in magic, 53,000 in strength, and 4,000 in spirit. Mael’s main abilities are Hellblazer and Full Counter. Mael’s Full Counter can only return physical attacks.

2. ZELDRIS-61,000

Zeldris is the commandment of Piety. This means that anyone who shows his back to Zeldris will either become a slave or the Demon King, such is the power of this commandment. He is the younger brother of Meliodas. Zeldris has a combat class of 61,000, 10,000 in magic, 47,200 in strength, and 3,800 in spirit. Zeldris has access to Hellblazer and two other main abilities. The Demon King has lent him God, a portion of power that makes him able to nullify magic attacks, and another one Ominous Nebula which creates a vortex slicing anything in its path.

3. DROLE- 54,000

Seven Deadly Sins ten commandments
Source: Epic Dope

Drole is the commandment of patience. He was killed in the fight with Chandler alongside Gloxinia and his commandment rule wasn’t mentioned before his death. Drole’s combat class is 54,000. 14,000 in magic, 36,500 in strength, and 3,500 in spirit. His main strength is ground just like Diane’s ability to work the ground. He can manipulate the earth and use Creation to create power dwarfs. One of Drole’s specialties is “Drole’s Dance” which raises his power. It is often used by Diane.

4. MONSPEET- 53,000

Monspeet, a gentleman demon, is the commandment of Reticence. Whoever opposed reticence by expressing inner feelings or emotions would have their voices blocked. Monspeet has a combat class of 53,000. 34,000 in magic, 16,000 in strength, and 3,000 in spirit. He has two major abilities. One is Hellblazer that allows him to create black flames. In the series, he is one of the greatest users among others. The other one is Trick Star suing which he can switch two objects at will.

5. DERIERI-52,000

Partially covered in her own darkness, Derieri is the commandment of purity. Her commandment rules weren’t revealed before her death. Derieri has a combat class of 52,000. 1,500 in magic, 48,000 in strength, and 2,500 in spirit. Combo Star is her specialty. 200,000 pounds of force is added if she attacks consecutively and it will reset if interrupted.

6. GLOXINIA-50,000

Seven Deadly Sins ten commandments
Source: CBR

Gloxinia was the first King of the Fairy Forest before becoming the commandment of Repose. Like Darien, his commandment of Repose was also not revealed until his death. Gloxinia has a combat class of 50,000. 47,000 in magic, zero in strength, and 3,000 in spirit. He wields the Spirit Spear Basquiat and can change form like the King’s Spirit Spear. His main power is Disaster, which he shares with the king. gloxinia can also manipulate nature. He often keeps himself wrapped in the form of tentacles.

7. GALAND-40,000

He is the weakest of the Seven Deadly Sins ten commandments. Probably because he is the commandment of truth. This is a very delicate commandment as anyone aware that they are telling a lie is turned to stone. He has a combat class of 27,000, 1,000 in magic, 24,000 in strength, and 2,000 in spirit.

8. GRAYROAD-39,000

Gray road is the Seven Deadly Sins Ten Commandments of Pacifism who has locked away after losing the Ancient war. If anyone kills in the presence of Grayroad, their life is sped up until they die. Gray road has a combat class of 39,000, 26,500 in magic, 10,000 in strength, and 2,500 in spirit. Most of her power comes from magic. Her major power is the ability to curse. She uses this ability very smartly to fight by causing diseases to whomever she curses. This will prevent her from violating her own commandment.

9. MELASCULA-34,000

Melascula is a giant hooded snake that can also appear as a human after being exposed to Miasma. She is the commandment of faith which means that if anyone doesn’t show faithfulness in her presence then their eyes are set on fire. Melascula has a combat class of 34,000, 31,500 in magic, 500 in strength, and 2,000 in spirit. Her main ability is Hell Gate. When used, Melascula can form portals that she can use freely.

10. FRAUDRIN-31,000

Seven Deadly Sins ten commandments
Source: YouTube

Last but not least is the Seven Deadly Sins Ten Commandments, Fraudrin, the commandment of Selflessness. Occupying the body of the Holy Knight Dreyfus, he is the replacement for Gowther. Fraudrin’s commandment causes selfish people to lose their sense of self, including their memories and feelings. Fraudrin’s combat class is 31,000. 13,000 in magic, 15,000 in strength, and 3,000 in spirit. His main power is the ability to be Full Size which makes him increase in strength and range.

Did you like the article about Seven Deadly Sins Ten Commandments? Let us know in the comments!


What Seven Deadly Sins Ten Commandments was Meliodas?

the Commandment of Love
Commandment. As the former leader of the Ten Commandments, Meliodas was the original wielder of the Commandment of Love, which was bestowed upon him by the Demon King. Those who would stand before him with hatred in their hearts will be rendered powerless to harm or inflict damage on anyone else.

Who is the strongest of the Seven Deadly Sins Ten Commandments?

Mael is the strongest of the 10 commandments, as well as priorly one of the Four Archangels.

What is the difference between the Seven Deadly Sins Ten Commandments in Exodus and Deuteronomy?

The two versions are different. For example, Exodus states: Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy. … Exodus opens in chapter 20: “God spoke all these words, saying.” Deuteronomy 5 similarly states, “Face to face the LORD spoke to you on the mountain out of the fire.”
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