Naruto Without Fillers: Watch your favorite anime show, Naruto without fillers! Check out the list!! SAVE YOUR TIME!!

Tired of anime fillers? We understand your pain. In this blog, we will talk about how to watch Naruto without fillers.

Anime fillers can be quite annoying very often. I Will not lie, sometimes fillers are fun and some are really entertaining, pretty good for time to pass, but more often than not, anime fillers can get really annoying. It is like, here you have been waiting eagerly to see what happens next to the characters, what surprising turn of events might the story take you to, what new thrilling adventure is in store for you today? You are eager to get some more of the amazing story, and so you sit before your television, squeezing out time from your busy schedule, just so you can watch some more of your favorite anime show, but all you get for the long wait is just a filler episode?! The story does not go forward, nothing close to important happens, none of the characters of your favorite story do something great, and in no way is the future of the story evolved or changed even a little bit. It is highly annoying and feels like nothing but a waste of time, the time you could have easily spent on doing something productive rather than wasting it sitting before your television, and for nothing ultimately.

In this article today, we are going to talk about one of the most popular and favorite among all anime fans- the Naruto anime franchise, and how you can watch your favorite Naruto without fillers.

The Naruto series is simple because it consists of only 3 parts. The first part of this amazing series has 220 episodes. The sequence of Naruto Watch begins with his childhood and his training as a young ninja. Naruto takes his audience on an emotional journey that binds them like a drug. After Dragon, It is the most popular anime in the world.

Naruto’s second part watch order is called Naruto Shippuden. The second part contains a total of 500 episodes. As crazy as it sounds, the elements present in it are going to fascinate the mind. To know more read our article below.


Naruto Without fillers- Why are anime fillers made?

Before knowing how to watch Naruto without fillers, let me give a small explanation as to why filler episodes are made in anime shows, for those of you who would like to know.

Well, since almost all anime shows are adapted from their original manga volumes, it happens quite often that an anime show is lagging a little behind or is yet to catch up with its source material- the manga, or even there are cases when the anime will be catching up to the manga in near future. Thus, in cases like that, anime fillers are made. Anime fillers, although irritating for viewers, serve the purpose of protecting the show from running out of material or in worst scenarios, getting canceled.

Naruto Without Fillers

Naruto Without Fillers- first part

Watching Naruto without fillers is easier than it sounds. It is a lot easier to watch Naruto without fillers, as compared to other anime shows. All you have to do is know the episodes which are anime fillers. And worry not, we at Insta Chronicles know your pain and have got your back. Here is this article we have sorted down and made a list of all Naruto filler episodes, so that you have conveniently watch Naruto without fillers, not having to waste your time.


Naruto has 3 parts. The first part of Naruto has a total of 220 episodes and takes viewers through an emotional journey as we see Naruto’s childhood days and his training as a young ninja warrior. It is sure to keep you hooked, and totally glued to your seat. Every episode is 24 minutes long. In this first part of Naruto, out of 220 episodes, there are 89 anime filler episodes which constitute about a pretty big amount from the list of total time consumed by the anime, so if you looking to cut down on your time, here is the list of episodes you should avoid, watch Naruto without fillers-

Episodes- 26, 97, 101-106, 137-140 and finally 143-219

Dreams about Natural Disaster: What does it mean? CHECK OUT!!! 

Naruto Without Fillers- the second part

Now, coming to the second part of Naruto, Naruto Shippuden has a total of 500 episodes. As crazy as it might sound for someone who is yet to be introduced to the world of Naruto, it is quite thrilling and starts to get even more addictive in this second part. 

Once again Naruto filler episodes take up a lot of time from the main story. To save your valuable time once again and watch Naruto without fillers for the second part of Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, just follow this order and avoid the following episodes-

Episodes- 57-70, 91-112, 144-151, 170-171, 176-196, 223-242, 257-260, 271, 279-281, 284-295, 303-320, 327, 349-361, 376-377, 388-390, 394-413, 416-417, 419, 422-423, and 427-455.

Naruto Without Fillers

There are also several canon episodes in Naruto which you might like to know about before starting with the anime show. Here is a list of Naruto canon-filler episodes for you:

Naruto Canon-Filler Episodes (FIRST PART): 7, 9, 14-16, 18-21, 23-24, 27-30, 37-41, 43-47, 49, 52-60, 63, 66, 69-72, 74, 83, 98-100, 112-114, 126-127, 130-131, 141-142, and 220.

Naruto Shippuden Canon-Filler Episodes (SECOND PART): 1-19, 24-25, 45, 49-50, 54, 56, 89-90, 115, 127-128, 213, 324, 327-328, 330-331, 338, 346, 362, 385-386, 419, 426, 451-458, 460-462, 471-472, and 478-479.

Damon Dash Net Worth- TRAGIC DOWNFALL of $50 million stars!!!

Also, frankly speaking, the filler episodes of Naruto are not really bad, so unless you lack the time or are hell-bent on watching Naruto without fillers, we would say, give it a watch maybe. You might as well enjoy them. They serve for a good amount of entertainment, fun, and light episodes, and great for your personal satisfaction as a die-hard fan of the anime show and a good source of time pass too.

Know 15 best episodes of Naruto according to IMDb

Here I am going to show you about Naruto episodes effluence for hundred of episodes with a long time after releasing of the Manga series that means there is going to lots of filler. So that here are few cases of episodes at that time. I must tell you here some fans who want to skip their episodes which is not important at all for this platform if you are going to search you are find boring episodes, not every episode that deserved the hate aimed at them So that Naruto is actually has a lot of really great fillers episodes…

Few Naruto filler episodes are even really amusing and entertaining, for example, Kakashi’s Face: Gotta See, Gotta Know (Episode 101) and  Land of Rice Fields Investigation Mission Arc (Episodes 136–141). Some of the Naruto filler episodes are pretty entertaining and really worth a watch. So do not skip them if you have time in hand.


Having said all of this, we hope our article on Naruto without fillers serves to be of a decent amount of help for you and helps you save your precious time while you are busy or going through a great workload. So go ahead, get out a sheet of paper from your notebook, and list down the filler episodes as sorted out by us.

Naruto Without Fillers

Let us know in the comments down below what you think of Naruto filler episodes and which of the filler episodes so far has been your favorite, or if you belong to the busy category of fans who enjoy watching Naruto without fillers. We would love to know.

Stay tuned to Insta Chronicles for the latest updates on your favorite anime and television shows.

Tired of anime fillers? We understand your pain. In this blog, we will talk about how to watch Naruto without fillers.

Anime fillers can be quite annoying very often. I Will not lie, sometimes fillers are fun and some are really entertaining, pretty good for time to pass, but more often than not, anime fillers can get really annoying. It is like, here you have been waiting eagerly to see what happens next to the characters, what surprising turn of events might the story take you to, what new thrilling adventure is in store for you today? You are eager to get some more of the amazing story, and so you sit before your television, squeezing out time from your busy schedule, just so you can watch some more of your favorite anime show, but all you get for the long wait is just a filler episode?! The story does not go forward, nothing close to important happens, none of the characters of your favorite story do something great, and in no way is the future of the story evolved or changed even a little bit. It is highly annoying and feels like nothing but a waste of time, the time you could have easily spent on doing something productive rather than wasting it sitting before your television, and for nothing ultimately.

In this article today, we are going to talk about one of the most popular and favorite among all anime fans- the Naruto anime franchise, and how you can watch your favorite Naruto without fillers.

The Naruto series is simple because it consists of only 3 parts. The first part of this amazing series has 220 episodes. The sequence of Naruto Watch begins with his childhood and his training as a young ninja. Naruto takes his audience on an emotional journey that binds them like a drug. After Dragon, It is the most popular anime in the world.

Naruto’s second part watch order is called Naruto Shippuden. The second part contains a total of 500 episodes. As crazy as it sounds, the elements present in it are going to fascinate the mind. To know more read our article below.


Naruto Without fillers- Why are anime fillers made?

Before knowing how to watch Naruto without fillers, let me give a small explanation as to why filler episodes are made in anime shows, for those of you who would like to know.

Well, since almost all anime shows are adapted from their original manga volumes, it happens quite often that an anime show is lagging a little behind or is yet to catch up with its source material- the manga, or even there are cases when the anime will be catching up to the manga in near future. Thus, in cases like that, anime fillers are made. Anime fillers, although irritating for viewers, serve the purpose of protecting the show from running out of material or in worst scenarios, getting canceled.

Naruto Without Fillers

Naruto Without Fillers- first part

Watching Naruto without fillers is easier than it sounds. It is a lot easier to watch Naruto without fillers, as compared to other anime shows. All you have to do is know the episodes which are anime fillers. And worry not, we at Insta Chronicles know your pain and have got your back. Here is this article we have sorted down and made a list of all Naruto filler episodes, so that you have conveniently watch Naruto without fillers, not having to waste your time.


Naruto has 3 parts. The first part of Naruto has a total of 220 episodes and takes viewers through an emotional journey as we see Naruto’s childhood days and his training as a young ninja warrior. It is sure to keep you hooked, and totally glued to your seat. Every episode is 24 minutes long. In this first part of Naruto, out of 220 episodes, there are 89 anime filler episodes which constitute about a pretty big amount from the list of total time consumed by the anime, so if you looking to cut down on your time, here is the list of episodes you should avoid, watch Naruto without fillers-

Episodes- 26, 97, 101-106, 137-140 and finally 143-219

Dreams about Natural Disaster: What does it mean? CHECK OUT!!! 

Naruto Without Fillers- the second part

Now, coming to the second part of Naruto, Naruto Shippuden has a total of 500 episodes. As crazy as it might sound for someone who is yet to be introduced to the world of Naruto, it is quite thrilling and starts to get even more addictive in this second part. 

Once again Naruto filler episodes take up a lot of time from the main story. To save your valuable time once again and watch Naruto without fillers for the second part of Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, just follow this order and avoid the following episodes-

Episodes- 57-70, 91-112, 144-151, 170-171, 176-196, 223-242, 257-260, 271, 279-281, 284-295, 303-320, 327, 349-361, 376-377, 388-390, 394-413, 416-417, 419, 422-423, and 427-455.

Naruto Without Fillers

There are also several canon episodes in Naruto which you might like to know about before starting with the anime show. Here is a list of Naruto canon-filler episodes for you:

Naruto Canon-Filler Episodes (FIRST PART): 7, 9, 14-16, 18-21, 23-24, 27-30, 37-41, 43-47, 49, 52-60, 63, 66, 69-72, 74, 83, 98-100, 112-114, 126-127, 130-131, 141-142, and 220.

Naruto Shippuden Canon-Filler Episodes (SECOND PART): 1-19, 24-25, 45, 49-50, 54, 56, 89-90, 115, 127-128, 213, 324, 327-328, 330-331, 338, 346, 362, 385-386, 419, 426, 451-458, 460-462, 471-472, and 478-479.

Damon Dash Net Worth- TRAGIC DOWNFALL of $50 million stars!!!

Also, frankly speaking, the filler episodes of Naruto are not really bad, so unless you lack the time or are hell-bent on watching Naruto without fillers, we would say, give it a watch maybe. You might as well enjoy them. They serve for a good amount of entertainment, fun, and light episodes, and great for your personal satisfaction as a die-hard fan of the anime show and a good source of time pass too.

Know 15 best episodes of Naruto according to IMDb

Here I am going to show you about Naruto episodes effluence for hundred of episodes with a long time after releasing of the Manga series that means there is going to lots of filler. So that here are few cases of episodes at that time. I must tell you here some fans who want to skip their episodes which is not important at all for this platform if you are going to search you are find boring episodes, not every episode that deserved the hate aimed at them So that Naruto is actually has a lot of really great fillers episodes…

Few Naruto filler episodes are even really amusing and entertaining, for example, Kakashi’s Face: Gotta See, Gotta Know (Episode 101) and  Land of Rice Fields Investigation Mission Arc (Episodes 136–141). Some of the Naruto filler episodes are pretty entertaining and really worth a watch. So do not skip them if you have time in hand.


Having said all of this, we hope our article on Naruto without fillers serves to be of a decent amount of help for you and helps you save your precious time while you are busy or going through a great workload. So go ahead, get out a sheet of paper from your notebook, and list down the filler episodes as sorted out by us.

Naruto Without Fillers

Let us know in the comments down below what you think of Naruto filler episodes and which of the filler episodes so far has been your favorite, or if you belong to the busy category of fans who enjoy watching Naruto without fillers. We would love to know.

Stay tuned to Insta Chronicles for the latest updates on your favorite anime and television shows.

Utsa Paul
Utsa Paul
Friendly introvert and a would be designer. I love reading, listening to music and watching web series, anime or movies. My other interests include personal styling and digital art.

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