Seis Manos the Mexican- American animation series created under the Team at Powerhouse Animation. After the end of the first season, fans are desperately waiting for a new season. The second season of Seis Manos is expected to soon air on Netflix. However, there is nothing officially announced yet. Still, whatever information we have regarding the renewal of the show you can find it here in this article. Keep reading the article further to find every explicit detail regarding the Seis Manos season 2.
Seis Manos is a Netflix original series. The animation has been created by Brad Grader and Álvaro Rodríguez. The animation is an original American-Mexican animation series. The series was made under the production of Powerhouse Animation (Castlevania). The show being from Mexican animation has been judged by many people. However, the storyline of the series is as fantastic as any other animation series.
In the story, the three characters who are orphaned join a DEA agent to take revenge on their beloved mentor. Three of them are orphans and are martial art warriors. They live in the fictional town of San Simon, in the timeline of 1970, Mexico.
Seis Manos Season 2 Release date
So, here we are talking about the release date of Seis Manos Season 2. We consider that the Seis Manos will be renewed. Not looking forward to seeing the second season for a long time. If this series follows the same release schedule as Castlevania then season 2 won’t be available until 2021.
In between the 1st and 2nd season, there were 15 months of Castlevania. For the fans of this anime Those who are fans of this anime are used to the long wait. But we hope that Sis Manos fans get to hear some good news soon.
The question about the renewal of the Seis Manos is what every fan of the series is asking lately. The animation series is in the hands of Netflix and there is nothing announced from their side. Fans want to have another season of the animation series. They have also started a campaign in Change.Org.
The release date of Seis Manos Season 2 is not confirmed yet. However, if Seis Manos gets a renewal for Seis Manos Season 2 we will positively see that later in 2021. There has been nothing announced from the side of the officials. In that case, we can only wait for the Seis Manos Season 2. The production work of Seis Manos, unfortunately, takes time because of which we can expect the Seis Manos Season 2 at the end of 2021. The second season of Castlevania took almost fifteen months to air after the first season.
However, the production is currently working on another intense animation series. If you like to watch more animation series from the same creators. You can watch the following animation series:
- Blood of Zeus (2020)
- Master of the Universe: Revelation (2021)
- Heaven’s forest (TBA)
Death Note Season 2 (CONFIRMED!?)
Seis Manos Season 2: Plot
Fans are very excited for the Seis Manos Season 2. They are positively waiting for the new season of the animation series. However, before the officials announce something from their side let’s look at the plot of Seis Manos Season 2, let’s assume what is going to be like. Their certain things left untold in the first season of the show. The Seis Manos Season 2 on the other hand can complete the remaining parts left unexplained in the first season. The untold side of the story can include the story’s progress and the evolution of the characters with the story. This could be the center point of the story in the Seis Manos Season 2 plot.
The story of the animation is basically about revenge. The story revolves around the revenge taken by the main characters from the killer of their mentor. To sum up the cause the show is all about the personal fight. In the next season, the death of the Blade will continue its effects in the town. The Orphans’ rebellion and taking back the town would be interesting to watch. The result of Blade’s bad work could also be seen in the new season. Larry, the Brister’s boss could be in the run to deal with the things Blade had left behind.
However, Larry’s destination was Dojo but it is not sure that how much time will take in the Dojo in season 2. Isabela and Jesus are likely to be seen saving Silencio giving the chase a conclusion. Whereas, Garcia on the other hand will work to recover the town.
When Silencio will wake up realizing he is in the Temple of Lo, the story will take a different turn. In the coming season, the orphans can be seen playing a big role in the competition. A great strategic war could also be expected in the Seis Manos Season 2 where the characters will deal with it. Every choice done by the characters is going to give a big change to the storyline.
Other than all of these things the resistance of Silencio will become more stronger and meaningful. Silencio’s past decision can push the character’s fate in the next season of Seis Manos.
Seis Manos Season 2: Characters
There is nothing announced regarding the change in the characters list. We only have the list of the characters from the first season and the artist who dubbed them. There can be a change in the character but the main characters are remaining the same. The list of the characters and their dubbed artist are given below:
- Vic Chao will dub the character of Chiu
- Mike Colter will dub the character Blister.
- Jonny Cruz Will dub the character of Jesus
- Aislinn Derbez will dub the character of Isabela
- Carlos Luna will dub the character of Domingo
- Danny Trejo will dub the character of El Blade
- Angelica vale will dub the character of Garcia.
Kenja Na Mago Season 2: Release Date is confirmed?
There is nothing that has been announced yet regarding the trailer and the teaser. But we can expect that something soon will be announced regarding that. The show will bring an amazing renewal according to the fans. Hence, the trailer is not announced yet we can only wait for officials to announce something regarding the trailer.
Till you wait for the trailer you can watch the previous season of sies Manos and can also binge watch other shows by the same production, which are also very intense and fantastic. The creators were busy making these animation series. So make sure you give it a try.
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