The Dragon Prince is an American fantasy computer-animated drama television series produced by Windstorm. This web series is a Netflix original series. This era is all about web platforms.
The first season was aired on September 14, 2018, and fans loved and support this web series as this contains fantasy, drama, adventure, action, and comedy. This series is full of different spices. So after getting huge success for the first season makers decide to go with another season. And till now there are three seasons released on Netflix of this web series.
According to the reporters, this series is going to renew its four more seasons and will consist of nine episodes each. That’s great news for fans who love to watch the fantasy drama.
What this story is all about?
This story revolves around the continent of Xadia. This continent is rich in minerals and derived from various natural elements. It also includes dragons, demons, etc. Human beings who could not do their magic raw tried to do black magic.
The egg hatches into the dragon prince, Zym.
What is the release date of The Dragon Prince 4?
The makers did not tell the exact release date for season four of the series but announced only that it will make its next season. So let’s wait for another news about the release date or the trailer for the upcoming and much-awaited fourth season.
Who will be the cast in season 4?
Jack DeSena will play the most important role in the series as he plays the role of Callum. Paula Burrows will play the character of Rayla who is a 15-year-old elf assassin who sides with Callum. Sasha Rojen will play the character of Ezran, younger half brother of Callum who has the ability of talk to animals.