The series filled with crime, thrilling adventure named Titans of DC Universe is coming back with season 3. Titans is one of the most rated web-series among all Sci-fi and Adventure series. The series consists of a team of youthful superheroes fighting against evil and helping each other to live a stable life.
The series produced by Warner Bros Production. The show based on an American Sci-fi comic by DC. The series of DC Universe created by Geoff Johns, Akiva Goldsman, and Greg Berlanti. There is a lot of mystery left in season 3. Dc has officially announced season 3 and promised a more fascinating and good script.
Cast of DC’s Titans
Every character as a part of the team is very important. We all interested to know who all are coming back to season 3 of Titans. The superhero team consists of Starfire, Robin, Raven, Kid Flash, and Beast Boy. The main lead is coming back like Anna, Dick Garson, Rachael, Dove. There will be new characters included and characters like Wilson and Jericho, Aqua land, Garth might not return.
Expected release date for DC’s Titans Season 3
Season 3 will begin where season 2 ended. To date, there is no official announcement for the release date. As promised, there will be more of adventure, suspense, and action in season 3. All fans are now eagerly waiting. It anticipated that season 3 would be released by the end of 2020 and the team was ready to shoot with the script. Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, there is a hold on shooting and will resume soon. The makers are also keen to release the series as soon as possible.
Storyline and information about KON
In the previous season, we saw that the team of Titans lost their member. Also, Kon didn’t know about his powers and so he was not able to use them. Kon got power similar to Superman. There were many improvements in season 2 in comparison to season 1.
There will be a lot of adventure and drama involved in season 3. Deadly Black Fire would come to earth as a Big Bad Villain. Rachel has decided to leave Amazon, and Dona will expand her power to help the fallen. The rest of the secrets about the plot are not revealed yet.