Russia launches the COVID-19 Vaccine for public use. Russia announces on Tuesday that it approves the coronavirus vaccine for the public use. After that expert have been started questioning about the vaccine. Since the Russian President Vladimir Putin announces about the launch of the coronavirus Vaccine.
Dr Randeep Guleria, the director of All India Institute of Medical Science Delhi. He stated that they have to examine whether the coronavirus vaccine launched by Russian Government is safe for people or not. He said that it is essential to check the effectiveness and safety of coronavirus vaccine if this is good for public use or not.
Yesterday Putin announced that the vaccine is safe and effective. And it offers “sustainable immunity” to fight with COVID-19. He said that his daughters get a vaccine and feel good after taking it.
Who will get the Coronavirus Vaccine first??
The Gameleya Institute of Russia develops the first COVID-19 Vaccine in the world. This Institute becomes the first to discover the Coronavirus vaccine in the world. Now the question is that when will the vaccine out or who will get the vaccine first?
Russian authorities announced that they have to increase the production of the vaccine. So that it will be provided to all part of the world, some report said that the vaccine would be given to frontline workers, teachers, doctors first.
The dose of the vaccine will be started from the starting of September. And this vaccine will be given to the person who is between the age of 18 to 60 years.
Although there is not any proper data about the outcome or the effectiveness of the vaccine until now. Then the question is whether ‘Sputnik V’ will work against COVID-19 or not, which have killed 736,828 people so far in the world.