Jersey City Schools Will Be Closed For Another Week or For Next One Month?


“The students and staff of Jersey City will not return to school for the next two weeks. Deputy Superintendent Dr. Norma Fernandez said Thursday that because there has been an outbreak of COVID, schools are being closed remote.”

Fernandez said that 224 students and numerous staff members tested positive for COVID. Besides these, she also mentioned other students who have had to quarantine themselves because they were exposed during the incident to prevent spreading any more viruses around campus.

“I think what we’re seeing now might just be the tip of an iceberg,” said Dr. Tobijah explaining how many people may not even realize they’ve been infected yet due to its lack of symptoms happening right away like fatigue or fever spikes but rather those little hints such as trouble sleeping through the night.”

One of the most frustrating things about working at a desk job is that you can never be sure if your co-workers are available.

“It’s tough,” said Fernandez, “because our staff wants to work but their health prevents them from coming in.”

Students will be back in session on Tuesday, January 18th.

“Teachers are our most important resource, and we want them healthy so they can continue to inspire students,” she said.

After that, the district will announce schedules for returning in person and apply measures such as “test to stay.” Students who wish to return can take a weekly test.

After the district’s announcement, students will be able to return in person and apply measures such as a weekly test. Those who wish may take these tests at their convenience without being directly notified by email or phone call from school administration officials.

For more details and updates visit instachronicles.


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