Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3 Release Date [Confirmed]?- IS IT RENEWED? Release Date Revealed!

A few years ago, a light novel series was published called “Chunibyo & Other Delusions” by Nagomu Torii. The main character is Rikka Takanashi, who has an “eccentric personality disorder.” She’s convinced that she has superpowers and constantly talks to herself about the world being out to get her. In the novels, Rikka develops strong friendships with other students at her school and learns how to deal with her delusions in a healthy way. people are wondering that there will be chuunibyou season 3 or not?

What is this Show About?

Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions is a lighthearted anime that begins with the protagonist Rikka Takanashi’s introduction. She has a disorder called “chunibyo,” which is when someone believes they have special powers or are otherwise unrealistically obsessed with something in their life. The show follows Rikka as she meets new friends, makes enemies, and eventually must face her own personal demons to achieve happiness.
The show focuses on various themes such as romance, coming of age, self-discovery, mental illness (specifically chuniby), friendship, and more! With so many great things happening in this show it’s hard not to get invested in the story!

ABOUT CHUUNIBYOU SEASON 3:Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3

Tired of waiting for Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3? We have got some news for you. There has been a lot of talk on the internet regarding whether Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3 will be made, or did the sweet romantic comedy anime series come to a closure already. Well, if you are an ardent fan of this drama series all tired of waiting for Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3, you have come to the right place. Here is all you need to know about your favorite anime.

The word, “ Chunibyo” in Japanese has a special meaning. It refers to people who believe in supernatural powers and lives in a world of their own with extraordinary surroundings, all created inside their heads. Basically, it refers to a person who is still childlike and has not yet been able to come out of their world of imagination, or rather prefers to stay in such a world than live in this monotonous world. We all do know such a person, don’t we? Well, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions revolves around such a concept. And it is an anime belonging to the romantic genre.


Now, I do know a lot of people who are not very fond of this anime, more like they gave up on the anime after watching a few episodes. While on the other hand, there are people who are absolutely in love with this anime. Given that you are reading this article right now, we assume you belong to the second category. And, if you are someone who has been hesitating for some time, whether or not to start watching this anime, we can assure you it is a beautiful anime and worth your time. It starts in not a very interesting tone, it does seem a little confusing at the beginning and you may be a little disappointed seeing the plot going in a bit of an unexpected direction, but if you keep hanging on, we can promise you it gets better with time. Especially if you are a romantic soul. This anime is from the genuine romance genre. And trust us when we say this, it will definitely be one of the most beautiful romantic shows you have watched so far. Not to forget, it has some pretty amazing soundtracks and the characters all have flaws of their own, which makes the story even better.

Man On Fire True Story: Action- Thriller Film TRUE STORY! [Revealed]

Since the end of this show, fans have been craving for Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions.

Love Chunibyo & Other delusions:

“The world of chunibyo and other delusions is one that has captivated the hearts of many people. Many of us have been in love with the idea of being a hero, or having our own magical girl transformation. We’ve all wanted to save someone from some terrible fate, even if it’s just something as mundane as passing math class.”

Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3


Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3 Release Date:

First things first. Assuming that you are probably someone looking for any news regarding the release of Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3, we will address this matter first. 

While if you are on this page to know more about this anime, and not just the release of Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3, keep reading as we will soon move on to give you a small brief on the plot and what all you could expect to see.

Will there be a season 3 of love Chunibyo other delusions?

It is unclear if there will be a third season of the show Love Chunibyo Other Delusions.

The cast has not yet been announced and it’s possible that production may never happen, but some fans are holding out hope for more episodes because this story deserves to continue!

Do Rikka and yuuta get married?

Rikka and Yuuta are made for each other.
It’s perfectly understandable that they’d want to tie the knot, but it seems like there is a lot more going on in their relationship than just being best friends with benefits! Who knows what will happen? Rikka might be too afraid of commitment or something…

Does Rikka die?

Rikka’s death has been a long-standing mystery, with some fans convinced she died of natural causes. Rikka is not the one who dies.


Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions Season 1 ran for about two months. The first episode was released on October 4th, 2012, and the last episode came on December 12th of the same year. All in all, it included 12 episodes creating a loyal fanbase of romantic comedy lovers. And then again, a special episode, episode 13, was released in June of the succeeding year 2013 on the 19th. The second season then premiered on January 9th, 2014 and it ran on till March 27th, 2014, and had a total of 12 episodes. Once again this season was followed by a special episode as well. This time the special episode for Season 2 of this anime series was not aired. Instead, it came in the form of Blu-rays and DVDs.

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But now comes the most confusing part. Instead of releasing Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3the following year, in the same way, they always do, this time the creators of Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions decided to come up with a movie. And the movie seemed to be like closure to this beautiful romance series, having fans all over the world confused regarding whether or not a Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions is ever going to be made or not. This final movie was titled ‘Eiga Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Take On Me. And this movie was even better than the series, both the seasons combined. The movie seemed to give a pretty good closure and almost sealed the whole story leaving no ragged edges, almost making it seem unlikely for the possibility of getting a Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3. But still, some rumors are going around and hopes that Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3 is going to be made. And well, although there have been no official confirmations as of yet if the rumors are true, we are expecting Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3 to be aired by the end of 2021. As for now, we all have our fingers crossed and are really hoping to get the new season- Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3. In case any official confirmation is received, we will update the news here on our site. So, stay tuned to Insta Chronicles for the latest updates on Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3 and more.

Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3


We all have had a phase in childhood where we idolize Marvel and DC superheroes and wanted to be like them. Some of us were so deep into these superhero fantasies, that we would try to convince ourselves that we too have some kind of power that is beyond normal. Let’s just face it, we have all been there, and for some of us, it has led to some pretty embarrassing situations.

In Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, the protagonist of our story, Yuta Togashi has had quite a lot of these because of his own past scarring experiences of being a “Chuunibyou”. In fact, his experiences had been so haunting for him that he had decided to move on with his life and try and forget all about it, by starting anew. He changed his school and tried to start on with a fresh life only to realize, his past has caught up with him. This time in the form of a girl at his school. This girl is considered eccentric by all their classmates and because of her, Yuuta keeps falling into embarrassing situations in his new school as well. Only that, these things aren’t bad anymore. As a matter of fact, it all just turns into something sweet with time.

Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3

Love, Chunibyo & Other delusions is a romantic Comedy and will keep you giggling and going into all laws. We cannot just wait to get Love, Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3, and just the thought of it makes us all really happy. 

As for now, keep your hopes high and we cannot wait to see what Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3 could provide us with.

You can watch it on Crunchyroll in English dubbed.

Stay tuned to know more and get the latest updates on Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3

Latest Trailer

For more details and these type of posts visit InstaChronicles

A few years ago, a light novel series was published called “Chunibyo & Other Delusions” by Nagomu Torii. The main character is Rikka Takanashi, who has an “eccentric personality disorder.” She’s convinced that she has superpowers and constantly talks to herself about the world being out to get her. In the novels, Rikka develops strong friendships with other students at her school and learns how to deal with her delusions in a healthy way. people are wondering that there will be chuunibyou season 3 or not?

What is this Show About?

Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions is a lighthearted anime that begins with the protagonist Rikka Takanashi’s introduction. She has a disorder called “chunibyo,” which is when someone believes they have special powers or are otherwise unrealistically obsessed with something in their life. The show follows Rikka as she meets new friends, makes enemies, and eventually must face her own personal demons to achieve happiness.
The show focuses on various themes such as romance, coming of age, self-discovery, mental illness (specifically chuniby), friendship, and more! With so many great things happening in this show it’s hard not to get invested in the story!

ABOUT CHUUNIBYOU SEASON 3:Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3

Tired of waiting for Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3? We have got some news for you. There has been a lot of talk on the internet regarding whether Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3 will be made, or did the sweet romantic comedy anime series come to a closure already. Well, if you are an ardent fan of this drama series all tired of waiting for Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3, you have come to the right place. Here is all you need to know about your favorite anime.

The word, “ Chunibyo” in Japanese has a special meaning. It refers to people who believe in supernatural powers and lives in a world of their own with extraordinary surroundings, all created inside their heads. Basically, it refers to a person who is still childlike and has not yet been able to come out of their world of imagination, or rather prefers to stay in such a world than live in this monotonous world. We all do know such a person, don’t we? Well, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions revolves around such a concept. And it is an anime belonging to the romantic genre.


Now, I do know a lot of people who are not very fond of this anime, more like they gave up on the anime after watching a few episodes. While on the other hand, there are people who are absolutely in love with this anime. Given that you are reading this article right now, we assume you belong to the second category. And, if you are someone who has been hesitating for some time, whether or not to start watching this anime, we can assure you it is a beautiful anime and worth your time. It starts in not a very interesting tone, it does seem a little confusing at the beginning and you may be a little disappointed seeing the plot going in a bit of an unexpected direction, but if you keep hanging on, we can promise you it gets better with time. Especially if you are a romantic soul. This anime is from the genuine romance genre. And trust us when we say this, it will definitely be one of the most beautiful romantic shows you have watched so far. Not to forget, it has some pretty amazing soundtracks and the characters all have flaws of their own, which makes the story even better.

Man On Fire True Story: Action- Thriller Film TRUE STORY! [Revealed]

Since the end of this show, fans have been craving for Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions.

Love Chunibyo & Other delusions:

“The world of chunibyo and other delusions is one that has captivated the hearts of many people. Many of us have been in love with the idea of being a hero, or having our own magical girl transformation. We’ve all wanted to save someone from some terrible fate, even if it’s just something as mundane as passing math class.”

Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3


Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3 Release Date:

First things first. Assuming that you are probably someone looking for any news regarding the release of Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3, we will address this matter first. 

While if you are on this page to know more about this anime, and not just the release of Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3, keep reading as we will soon move on to give you a small brief on the plot and what all you could expect to see.

Will there be a season 3 of love Chunibyo other delusions?

It is unclear if there will be a third season of the show Love Chunibyo Other Delusions.

The cast has not yet been announced and it’s possible that production may never happen, but some fans are holding out hope for more episodes because this story deserves to continue!

Do Rikka and yuuta get married?

Rikka and Yuuta are made for each other.
It’s perfectly understandable that they’d want to tie the knot, but it seems like there is a lot more going on in their relationship than just being best friends with benefits! Who knows what will happen? Rikka might be too afraid of commitment or something…

Does Rikka die?

Rikka’s death has been a long-standing mystery, with some fans convinced she died of natural causes. Rikka is not the one who dies.


Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions Season 1 ran for about two months. The first episode was released on October 4th, 2012, and the last episode came on December 12th of the same year. All in all, it included 12 episodes creating a loyal fanbase of romantic comedy lovers. And then again, a special episode, episode 13, was released in June of the succeeding year 2013 on the 19th. The second season then premiered on January 9th, 2014 and it ran on till March 27th, 2014, and had a total of 12 episodes. Once again this season was followed by a special episode as well. This time the special episode for Season 2 of this anime series was not aired. Instead, it came in the form of Blu-rays and DVDs.

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But now comes the most confusing part. Instead of releasing Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3the following year, in the same way, they always do, this time the creators of Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions decided to come up with a movie. And the movie seemed to be like closure to this beautiful romance series, having fans all over the world confused regarding whether or not a Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions is ever going to be made or not. This final movie was titled ‘Eiga Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Take On Me. And this movie was even better than the series, both the seasons combined. The movie seemed to give a pretty good closure and almost sealed the whole story leaving no ragged edges, almost making it seem unlikely for the possibility of getting a Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3. But still, some rumors are going around and hopes that Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3 is going to be made. And well, although there have been no official confirmations as of yet if the rumors are true, we are expecting Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3 to be aired by the end of 2021. As for now, we all have our fingers crossed and are really hoping to get the new season- Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3. In case any official confirmation is received, we will update the news here on our site. So, stay tuned to Insta Chronicles for the latest updates on Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3 and more.

Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3


We all have had a phase in childhood where we idolize Marvel and DC superheroes and wanted to be like them. Some of us were so deep into these superhero fantasies, that we would try to convince ourselves that we too have some kind of power that is beyond normal. Let’s just face it, we have all been there, and for some of us, it has led to some pretty embarrassing situations.

In Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, the protagonist of our story, Yuta Togashi has had quite a lot of these because of his own past scarring experiences of being a “Chuunibyou”. In fact, his experiences had been so haunting for him that he had decided to move on with his life and try and forget all about it, by starting anew. He changed his school and tried to start on with a fresh life only to realize, his past has caught up with him. This time in the form of a girl at his school. This girl is considered eccentric by all their classmates and because of her, Yuuta keeps falling into embarrassing situations in his new school as well. Only that, these things aren’t bad anymore. As a matter of fact, it all just turns into something sweet with time.

Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3

Love, Chunibyo & Other delusions is a romantic Comedy and will keep you giggling and going into all laws. We cannot just wait to get Love, Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3, and just the thought of it makes us all really happy. 

As for now, keep your hopes high and we cannot wait to see what Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3 could provide us with.

You can watch it on Crunchyroll in English dubbed.

Stay tuned to know more and get the latest updates on Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Season 3

Latest Trailer

For more details and these type of posts visit InstaChronicles

Utsa Paul
Utsa Paul
Friendly introvert and a would be designer. I love reading, listening to music and watching web series, anime or movies. My other interests include personal styling and digital art.

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