35 Years old Tv Host, Kelly Osbourne disclosed about her journey of losing 85-pound weight. She revealed that two years before she followed a procedure that transformed her life completely.
She admitted that she had surgery and also added that she doesn’t care what people think or will say about her. She has no hesitation in admitting that she had surgery, and she is proud of it. The operation was of the gastric sleeve that changes the shape of the stomach and openly said that it is the best thing she has ever done in her life.
Credits- Toofab.com
She explained that Gastric sleeve is different from gastric bypass, which people often mix as the same. Gastric sleeve leads to weight gain if one doesn’t follow a strict healthy diet, exercise and a proper advice routine.
She advised that if anyone is willing to that, he or she should probably get it done. It took one year for her to decide and prepare herself for the surgery, which also included therapies to prepare herself thoroughly to perform the operation. But now she is glad that she did it and it led her life in the right direction. It just needs one push and ability to gather the courage to take the step that will change your life forever. It doesn’t solve all the problems, but it fixes some of the major issues of someone’s life.
Credits- Toofab.com
Another procedure that she followed for her change look was fixing her temporomandibular joint dysfunction. She admitted that she had a bad TBJ and it needed to be fixed. She has injected injections in her jaws which gave her a new look.
Kelly and her daughter emphasised on that Kelly didn’t have any plastic surgery on her face. Kelly insisted that she would never risk her face for plastic surgery. People are making assumptions of her new look and gossiping that she had a plastic surgery which is not true, she said.
Kelly said that she worked on herself, followed a very healthy routine and changed the way she looks after hard work and compromises she made for transforming herself.