Megalo Box is an anime series that was made as a tribute to Ashita no Joe, on its 50th anniversary. Megalo box was first released in 2018 and the first season itself got a lot of hype. We know that the show is based on Megalo Boxing. We also know that this sport is extremely famous among the locals and it is also dangerous but it has global support.
What is the Plot for season 2 of Megalo Box? Will the cast change in season 2? What is the release date of Megalo Box 2?
Get to know all the detailed information about the manga series here. Read ahead to know more about the show.
The series shows the life journey of Junk Dog who wants to become a boxing champion in a sport called Megalo boxing is very popular among the locals. He fights in fixed matches in illegal rings until one day when his life changes fully when he meets Yukiko Shirato. Yukiko is the head of the rich Shirato Group which is the main reason for conducting the Megalonia tournament. He gets in a fight with Yukiko’s bodyguard Yuri, who later, wins from him in an illegal fight in just one round.