Another divorce news: Jaime King and Kyle Newman calling off their relationship after 13 years.


Jaime King divorced Kyle Newman


In this world full of crisis and deaths, the other thing that has been dominating while people fully quarantined in their houses with their families is the fact that the number of fights has also increased in each house. One more couple that also was not able to survive this quarantine being together is Jaime King and Kyle Newman who was happily married couple until Jaime King divorced a file in court against Kyle Newman.

The reason behind Jaime King’s big step

Jaime King has been the woman of confidence and a lady of great guts always. so it would be really hard to judge her and think that she will be keeping her mouth shut after withstanding kyle’s behaviour, no matter how he behaves with her. And she really lived up to all her fans expectations by filing not only divorce but also pressing charges of domestic violence against him which made the reason all cleared why they have been divorcing. Kyle Newman has physically assaulted the woman which is now making him go through some serious police cases now.


What they have been going through?

Since the hearing, the judge has not taken some serious steps instantly but gave her a restraining order against Newman which is just temporary. The judge also made it clear that he is can’t come anywhere near Jaime within 100 yards and is strictly barred now. He also cleared that these rules should be followed until the next hearing which is on June 8. Also as all of you meet be thinking who is going to have custody of children, it has come in the limelight that 6-year-old James Knight and 4-year-old Leo Thames — and visitation, had been “denied without prejudice.”