Black holes are considered to be those stars that weigh more than about 20 times the sun’s mass. Blackhole as the name suggests is dark so they don’t have the light of their own. It has the highest gravitational force.
The force is so high that no particle or even electromagnetic radiation can escape it. Initially, when technology was not so upgraded, these black holes were first detected with the space-time ripples also known as gravitational waves. The gravitational force is high that it can absorb anything.
NASA has launched a video in which a star is caught in this black hole. So when anything gets caught on this site, it cannot escape. The gravitational force is also really powerful. The reason for visualizing these black hole with a star was to know how it interacts with stars.
And this was done with the help of x-rays. Its been confirmed that there are 22 x – rays in the galaxy we reside in that is the milky way and our neighboring galaxy that is the Large Magellanic Cloud. This Large Magellanic cloud is located around 160000 light-years from Earth.
If we compare the relationship between the star and the black hole it can be done in two ways. In one way the black hole consumes mass directly from the star itself while in the other, they do it with the help of dense outflow also called stellar wind. But NASA has no idea, regarding the mode used by GRS 1915.
So when the star enters the black hole, the star’s gas goes into orbit. This forms an accretion disk. An accretion disk is a broad flattened structure that gets formed around the orbit, because of gas. And this accretion disk may get extended to more than 50 million miles. And you will be shocked when you read that this distance is even greater than the distance between the sun and mercury.
When the accretion disk changes its temperature, it leads to a change in the color of stars giving us different color schemes. So the temperature may be higher or cooler, depending upon the situation. Based on this temperature, the star changes its color from blue-white to reddish.
This represents a temperature from five times hotter to 45% cooler than the sun. So depending upon temperature, the color schemes of the stars are set. Reddish depicts the highest temperature, whereas white-blue depicts a cooler temperature.
The mass of the black holes varies, especially when it is kept on a scale that measures or reflects its masses.
It is usually larger than what it depicts on a weighing scale. So the mass of the black hole is usually larger than it is been reflected by the scale. This does not give a clear judgment regarding the weight. For example, the weight of Cygnus X- 1’s weight is about 21 times more than the sun, but when you glance at its surface it just spans only about 77 miles. So this way we can’t judge the true weight of the black hole.
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