Rainbow Baby is when the parents finally give birth to a baby after trying a lot. With all the miscarriages, this parent has welcomed a girl in the world. The most emotional was the reaction of the father and how happy he was. The tattoo you see he did it after the first miscarriage.
Source: photosbylei.com
Hope and Hunter Madden – the married couple were trying hard to get for a baby. Unfortunately, they suffered from miscarriages and infertility problems. In 2017, God listened to their prayers and the woman gave birth to a beautiful princess. After going through 40 hours of labor their patience bore fruit and Evelynn Madden is the name of that fruit. The couple again got pregnant and this time they welcomed a baby boy in the family – Sullivan Madden. What caught the eye is the father’s expression when he held his princess in the arms. He couldn’t control his tears of joy and happiness and was living the moment. Just imagine the stress when they were going through the bad days and now they have two children. The best part is that their love was strong and they both stood with each other and overcame the problem together.
Source: ravishly.com
Even the photographer was overwhelmed and shed few tears as well especially seeing the father. Leilani Rogers is known for doing birth photography of different types and is from Austin. She is the one who shot the Madden family and was loving it. She is into things like dance, art, and music and even has a degree in it. Her passion for photography started when she gave birth to her a firstborn and her family is supportive. The birth photography piqued her interest when her sister-in-law asked Rogers to take pictures of her pregnancy. From there she has won a lot of awards and is the best in her field.
Source: youtube.com