The Dragon Prince is a fantasy computer-animated series that revolves around three kids, who discover a secret that could change everything and decide to go on an epic journey. That trek could be their only possible hope of ending the war and restoring peace to both the Human and Xadia Kingdoms. It was first released in 2018, and till now, three seasons have been released, and the third one is in the pipeline. Read on to know more about it.
Dragon Prince Season 4 Release Date
Dragon Prince Season 4 of the popular series is expected to release in May 2020. However, there is no official announcement on the same. We expect that Netflix will soon make the announcement, We will update you on the same as and when we get to know about it.
Dragon Prince Season 4 Trailer
The trailer for Dragon Prince Season 4 has not released yet. We expect that the trailer for the same will release very soon. Till then, enjoy the trailer for Dragon Prince Season 3.
Dragon Prince Season 4 Cast
Callum, Rayla, and Ezran will be there for Dragon Prince Season 4 as well as they are the main protagonists for the popular series. All the other characters may also be seen.
Dragon Prince Season 4 Plot
Dragon Prince Season 3 ended with Viren being resurrected by Claudia, and Aaravos, using the power he has absorbed from Zym, has initiated the metamorphosis of a new body for himself. So it looks like Dragon Prince Season 4 has something really interesting in the store. Nothing can be said as of now, but we expect that Season 4 will continue from the point the story was left in Dragon Prince Season 3.
As in the end, we saw elves and humans are back as friends we certainly believe that the storyline for Dragon Prince Season 4 would be really interesting. Till then, stay tuned for all the latest updates.