The death count from COVID-19 in New South Wales has reached 52, its highest daily number this pandemic. While Victoria posted 20 additional victims and Queensland 13 more deaths today alone!
There were two deaths reported from South Australia, while there is only one in Tasmania.
With no deaths recorded in Western Australia, Australian Capital Territory, or Northern territory this was likely due to their high standards for healthcare.
With no deaths recorded in Western Australia, Australian Capital Territory, or Northern territory this was likely due to their high standards for healthcare.
The number of people in ICU is on a decline.
Maintaining a stable population count would help us better understand how this treatment affects our overall health as well as individual organs and systems within the body, which all contribute to good overall functioning!
Hospitalizations in Victoria on Sunday morning dropped to 889, a significant reduction from earlier this week and Friday’s count of 988.
The number of COVID-19 cases admitted to hospitals in Australia is shown below. As you can see, there were many more red points than green ones for most parts of the country—this means that not enough people had been vaccinated yet! The icons show when fully immunized targets were reached among those aged 16 or older; they’re represented by syringes filled with vaccine mixture (and sometimes blood).
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