In 2020, a new retro-themed mecha combat game was released on PC. Developed by Marvelous and originally made exclusively for Nintendo’s Switch console (with an Xbox One version also coming soon), this fast-paced third-person shooter features great mission variety with addictive gameplay that we mention in our review of the title “Daemon X Machina.”
People who have never tried the game out when it was released on PC now have a chance to do so, as Daemon x Machina will be replacing Mighty Polygon’s first-person puzzle game Relicta next week. The new offering is available for free through Thursday and can replace your old copy if you want!
Daemon X Machina offers a lot through its fast-paced mecha gameplay and does an excellent job of filling up the void left by FromSoftware’s Armored Core series—which, if rumors are to be believed will get another entry soon. Daemons have always had their own unique flavor in video games but they never looked this beautiful before! The game was produced by Kenichiro Tsukuda who worked on the Forged core while maintaining familiarity with those qualities we love so much about it -such as colorful paint jobs or hyper-thumping soundtracks.
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