HomeTop Trending2 Died Bruatlly By an Earthquake, Houses Collapsed, Earthquake hit Southern Haiti BADLY

2 Died Bruatlly By an Earthquake, Houses Collapsed, Earthquake hit Southern Haiti BADLY

Two people were killed and homes damaged after a pair of earthquakes struck Haiti Monday morning.

Early this morning, two earthquakes struck Haiti. At least one person is reported to have died and many homes were damaged in the wake of these quakes that occurred just before 6 am local time on Monday morning (1:00 AM EST).

The tremors of an epic earthquake struck the southern Peninsula on Tuesday. The main quake hit at 8:16 am local time and had a preliminary rating of 5 3, according to USGOV’s geological survey; while its largest aftershock came about one hour later with strengths estimated between 4-5.

The tremors struck the southern Peninsula of this country, with the main quake striking at 8:16 am local time and receiving a preliminary rating from USGS of 5.3 magnitudes before continuing as one after another rumbled in succession-all getting more severe by mere moments until they reached 6 or less each!.

The residents of this city are used to earthquakes, but they reached a whole new level today. schools were closed for the rest of day as precautions after reports that hundreds or even thousands had run into streets during Iscaquake!

loudly yelling at the top of their lungs as they desperately tried to get out from under desks that were beginning to shake with intensity. Some people even began running through streets in an attempt at escaping what was coming next, but there wasn’t anywhere safe enough for them; the school had already decided not to reopen today due to safety concerns brought on by last nights incident which made this all too clear: we can never predict when or where another earthquake will occur!

Two people were injured and at least 35 homes were damaged in the quakes. The Haiti Civil Protection Agency told AP that there is no information on whether or not they believed it was an earthquake, but according to the two others felt strong enough for this type of action within their country’s borders so who knows?

Two people were injured and at least 35 homes damaged in the quakes, Haiti’s civil protection agency told AP.

The recent earthquake struck just 12 days after the nation marked a somber anniversary of one year since the catastrophic loss.

It is always hard to see your country go through such hardship, but Haiti was already enduring an overwhelming need before this disaster hit them a full force again in 2010 – with more than 200-thousand people losing everything they owned during that period alone due not only from structural damage done by strong tremors which caused extensive destruction throughout all areas affected; there were also multiple instances where earthquakes triggered landslides killing even more humanity along its path…


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