Steam hide recent activity
In this article, you will know “Steam hide recent activity”, What is “Steam hide recent activity? How to do “Steam hide recent activity”.
Stay hidden and hide your work from Steam using one of the few methods listed in this guide. It’s so easy!
One of the great features of Steam is the ability to track who your online friends are, their current status, and which game they are currently playing or have been playing recently.
While this feature sounds good to many users in this popular playground, some may feel that it brings a lack of privacy.
To make matters worse, Steam does not offer its users an obvious way to hide their recent activity. However, there are a few workarounds that should help you win an empty game feed if you want one.
Continue reading “Steam hide recent activity”.
Let’s understand the “Steam hide recent activity”
If you are a new Steam user, you may not be fully familiar with the work category, but most experienced Steam users do. Do not worry, as we will explain everything in detail soon.
To view part of your latest work on Steam and get a better idea of what we are talking about, follow the steps below.
- Open Steam and sign in.
- Once the client has uploaded, click your account name in the top bar menu and select Profile.
- Scroll down to see the Recent Activity Category.
As you can see, this section shows the last game you played, how many hours you spent playing in the last two weeks, the date you played, the success of your success, the update of that title, and much more.
This also applies to two other games, including the three games you last played in your account.
For some users, this is too much information for them to share, and some even consider it a secret concern. With this in mind, it’s easy to understand why the community started looking for ways to disable the latest job category in their profiles.
Now let’s move towards the method of “Steam hide recent activity”.
1 Use Steam’s built-in Privacy Settings
These are the most straightforward ways in this guide and do not require you to do anything more than just change the Steam built-in settings.
Here’s how to do it:
- Open the Steam client on your PC and then sign in to your account.
- In the menu above, click the name of your profile and select Profile.
- Below your Steam profile level, you will see an Edit Profile button. Click it.
- In the left-hand menu, select Privacy Settings, which should be the last option in the list.
- Find the Game Details setting and set it to Private.
That’s all! You do not need to do anything else to save your changes as Steam will automatically do when you adjust settings.
You can check this change by copying your profile URL and pasting it into the Incognito window in Chrome, which will show your profile the way other users see it.
If your problem(Steam hide recent activity) is not solved then move to the next method.
2 The “Free watchable Episode” method
This may sound like a strange solution at first. However, this is one of the most effective applications for users who want to completely hide their Recent Activity section on Steam.
This method is used by many profile-seeking users who want to achieve the look of an “abandoned” Steam profile, which is how many users have found it. We owe a great debt of gratitude to the community who edited Steam’s profile for their wisdom.
Here’s what you need to do:
- Open Steam and sign in.
- Once the client has uploaded, click on Store and search for Outrage.
- When the list of episodes uploads, click View in the first episode.
- Do this twice as well and your Recent Activity section will be empty.
Now get a little explanation for what just happened.
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When you click the watch button on any of the viewing episodes on Steam, in this Make Rage, Steam discovers that there is a new function added. However, as you close the window too quickly, it cannot detect what you have just started looking at.
As a result, an empty field will replace one-third of the game in your Recent Activity section. If you repeat this two more times, all three fields will be empty, which means your recent activity category will not show games.
However, the next time you start a game, you will be added. You can repeat the process with free visual episodes to clear the category again.
If your problem(Steam hide recent activity) is not solved then move to the next method.
3 Changing Games You Want to Hide With Others
To understand how this works, keep in mind that the Steam Recent Activity section shows the last three games you have played in sequence.
For example, if you last played Counter-Strike, it will be the first of three games featured in the Recent Activity section on your profile.
That being said, if you recently played a game that you don’t want others to see on your profile, but you’re fine when they see other games you play (and you don’t want to hide your recent activity or set your profile to be private), you can always use this strategy.
- Open Steam and sign in.
- Open your game library and start a game that you don’t care about and others who see it as your latest activity.
- Exit the game after a minute, then repeat this step twice more.
Doing this will ensure that there are no games you do not want others to see on your recent activity tab. What is needed is a few minutes of your time.
Hope your problem(Steam hide recent activity) is solved by any of the above methods.
This is it for today’s article on “Steam hide recent activity”, hope it was informative!
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