‘Dimension 404’, an American science fiction series created by Desmond Dez and Will Campos. Rocket Jump and Lions Gate Television produced the series with each episode as a self-contained program. The first season premiered on April 4, 2017, on Hulu. The series inspired The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits. Every episode of this show takes the audience on a trip where they feel like a nightmare. The title hints about an untouched and unexplored place where one wouldn’t want to go.
Dimension 404- Is there another season? Or cancelled?
After the release of the first season, as it highly impressed the fans, they have been asking about season 2. And it has been a long time since we have seen the series. But there has no development and an official announcement about season 2 by Hulu. So fans are hoping for it to come back soon. Our guess is that if the show got renewed for season 2 it can be released sometime around 2021.
Who will cast in the season 2:
Most of the cast from the previous season is going to return for the new season. The cast may include Sarah Hyland, Daniel Zovatto, Patton Oswalt, Casimere Joletto, Ashly Burch, Tom Plumley, Sean Przano, Joey Scoma. These are the main cast returning for this season. Some new cast is also expected to play in the season 2.
‘Dimension 404’ season 2: what will it be about?
Every episode of Dimension 404 is an independent story, with a new start and an end. Every story takes one of the current situations going around us daily and amplifies it. The first season captured mixed reviews from experts. But Dimension 404 season 2 fate had not yet revealed. We cannot expect any plot before the production gets started. All we had now is its trailer. Here is the trailer to remind you of the stories for the new season.