Grand theft auto is an amazing game. Fans have already played its fifth part. And nowhere is the other one coming soon on the PlayStation 5. It is from Japan. rockstar games, rockstar north, rockstar Diego are the main developers. Leslie benzies and Imran Sarwar are the main creators of GTA. To Know more and about its release date, keep reading the article.

When GTA 6 is releasing? When GTA first had been launched?
GTA 6 is releasing soon, because of coronavirus, it is delaying but now wait has been ended. In August 2020 GTA 6 will release, but this is not the official statement of its makers. Maybe it can release in the last of August. The first one was released in 2008 and since then it became a trend for GTA new version release. Day by day it’s fans are increasing. On September 17, 2013, GTA 5 was released and received applause and gathered many fans. Now, lots of fans are waiting for part 6.

Do you know, what are the locations of this game?
Leselie Benzie is the creator of this game and already announced everything about the games. Benzie also revealed the locations of the game where it was shot in vice city, liberty city, San Andreas, these cities are the best locations that are shown in the game. Maybe the next location will be the vice city, because of Benzie’s statement we know the location. In December 2012 he said in an interview that “Of course at some point, we would like to have one big world containing all our cities and let the player fly between them and revisit their favorite areas, and in that context, reimagining Vice City would be very interesting.” this statement points out that the game’s location could be mixed up with these cities or can be the one. the city selection is most important because it shows the beauty of the game.
So wait for the latest GTA 6 which could be the best part of this game. Till then keep yourself updated with us, we will tell you more about this game.