‘The Last Of Us’ is an incredible tale that has heartbreaking moments, tear jerking scenes and incredible acts from beginning to end. This adventure action horror game begins in the year 2013 in Austin, Texas as we are introduced,
Joel and his Daughter Sarah. It is developed by Naughty Dog and Published by Sony Computer Entertainment.
The plot of ‘The Last Of Us’-
It starts on a night and later that night, all hell breaks loose, as a mutant fungus ravages the United States causing overwhelming aggression in its human hosts and turning them into creatures called the ‘infected’.Joel, Sarah and Joel’s brother Tommy,
remain free from the devastation and chaos that envelopes the country but just as they think they’re safe things take a tragic turn. Over the coming weeks, the infection sweeps across the nation and human civilization completely collapses. 20 years later, Joel is now living in the North End of Boston inside a heavily policed quarantine zone where he is working as a smuggler with his partner Tess. Joel and Tess are tasked by the firefly leader Marlene with smuggling a teenage girl, named Ellie, out of the city.
The Expected Storyline Of ‘ The Last Of Us 3’
Naughty Dog’s willingness to take risks with the ‘Last of us ‘ part 2 story has been admirable. We would have all loved another Joel and Ellie story. Another trek accross the country that would have seen the bond between the two of them developed even further but, Naughty Dog didn’t want to do that.
They had already done that and doing more of the same was not a good enough reason for them to make a sequel. Instead, they decided to turn the table and do something completely different. The first game was a beautiful self-contained one that could have easily done without a sequel. Part two seems to be a very explicitly set up sequel in more ways than one. For starters, the gates of both ELLIE AND ABBEY are left ambiguous in a way that makes it feel like their stories will continue.
Last of Us 3 -Cast
Voice actor Troy Baker portrayed the character ‘Joel’, Ashley Johnson portrayed Ellie, Jeffrey Pierce portrayed Tommy. May be these characters may feature in the next season too.
The Release Date of ‘The Last Of Us 3’
There id no guarantee about the 3rd sequel of this game but you’d probably guess that they’ll launch a sequel as the first two installments have been a huge hit amongst the gamers. Till then, let’s hope for the best .