After an absolute hit of the Avengers: End Game, Marvel universe is ready to offer more to its loyal global fan base. The officials have released the news of Chris Hemsworth joining the part of Thor series. The series is given the title as Thor: Love and Thunder. The next part of one of the most hit avenger titles is going to release on November 5th, 2021. And yet till now, it is a last Marvel Universe phase four Movie. The confirmation of the movie came through the voicing artist of Groot, Vin Diesel. He told in the media about him doing the voice-over again for Thor: Love and Thunder as soon as the Avengers End Game Release. So from this, we know that some of the characters from Guardians of Galaxy will also be appearing in part Also, we have a piece of great news for the Fans that Natalie Portman will also be seen in the main lead as Thor. Yes! From the title, we learn that Love can be a Sign for Jane Foster (Natalie) to return as Thor with a lot of emotions. Many are predicting that the concept is taken from the comic The Mighty Thor BY Jason Aaron. We might learn a lot about Mjolnir along with Storm Breaker.
Release date:
The official date for the release of Thor: Love and Thunder are announced i.e., November 5th, 2021. So, your favorite God of Thunder is ready to hit the cinemas next year.
This is obvious that our favorite Chris Hemsworth is returning to his original role Thor. Also, the character Valkyrie will be seen playing by Tessa Thompson. From the above, we know that the film will have a female Thor. Natalie Portman will be playing it. But we don’t have the whereabouts of Loki. The character who, in the movie End Game, disappears with a
As in the End Game, we see Thor is not fit like before. He is seen not to be worth to lift his legendary
Hammer. Seeing all of this, Asgardian has been tensing on the dangers they’ll be going to face. So Jane Foster, who has allegedly been said to be seen as Lady Thor, will be trying to prove herself and her worth. Also, This fulfills the need for the new Thor. She will be seen as a significant part of saving the earth.