What are Announcement channels on Discord?
An announcement channel will allow other people to follow everything you do same like Twitter, if you post something on your announcements channel then that post is going to also be sent over to other people’s servers.
Announcement channels on Discord are used by server admins to inform members of their servers about new happenings, occasions, and events. This was not always used to feature but it was implemented as an official announcement channel in 2020 before this most servers originally used locked text channels for this cause.
By using announcement channels, you can let your parents, friends, your organization, or your community about the latest happenings or can deliver the latest updates.
This is a community server feature that allows you to get a symbol in front of your announcements channel and it makes it look more professional. It also allows you to reach a wider audience and you can know that the announcement will reach as many people as possible.

How to make an Announcement channel on Discord?
So, the first way is by the developer’s license. Now the developer’s license is something that is designed to set up a shop for your game on discord. This combines the power of community and commerce and commerce means commercial so it’s selling something.
It allows you to connect with over 250 million gamers on discord, however that might change in the future considering discord is moving away from gaming to a more general purpose.
First, create a normal discord server and if you going to create a discord channel you won’t find the option to create an announcements channel. So, for you to enable announcements, you need to go to server settings, and then you need to go to enable community so that you can have the option to create an announcements channel.
So, let’s click get started, you need to have a verified email and then have the option to scan all media content for all these members this is discord just making sure that you’re not sending inappropriate stuff in your server and you need to have a rules channel and you also need to have a community updates channel.
This is just going to be discord sending you new information about the community thing on the whole platform and the rules are just for your discord server.
Now, click next and then you read all the terms and conditions and then click on finish. Now you have community enabled in your server.
Now you can create a channel and select the options announcement channel. You can name anything according to you and then click o create a channel. Now you can send any messages or announcements to your new announcement channel.
It will prompt you if you want to send this over to everyone following this announcement channel then you just have to click on publish.
It will also give you a warning “Are you saying something important or is this just some trash, now you simply click on confirm and your message will be published on your channel and whoever following your channel will be updated by this message or whatever is posted on this channel.

How do I make a discord announcement?
Tap on the hamburger icon after opening the app, which you will see on the top left, and head to one of your community servers. Now click on the plus symbol beside “Text channels” Now give a name to your channel and select the Announcement Channel option as type.
Then simply click on the check option on the top right corner to create the channel.
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